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Latest Work-at-Home Telecommuting Remote Work Statistics

However, full-time on-site work is a preference for only 22% of employees, according to the 2022 State of Remote Work Report produced by Owl Labs in collaboration with remote work consulting firm Global Workplace Analytics. The purpose of this paper is to quantify the benefits of telecommuting for employers, employees, and the community. State and local government employees are bummed out, burned out, and stressed out from the endless struggle of trying to do more with less. To make matters worse, more than half the state’s most experienced people are moving toward the door to retirement. If California expects to attract a new generation of talented government leaders and staff workers it needs to find a new way of working, both figuratively and literally. Eyeing the end of the recession, employees are no longer happy just to have a job.

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Posted: Mon, 06 Nov 2023 14:07:00 GMT [source]

Based on office occupancy data and other sources, the percentage that continued to do so on a weekly basis stabilized at about 35%-40%. Below are the factors that will continue to drive companies to adopt hybrid and remote work policies. Eighty-seven percent of workers offered at least some remote work embrace the opportunity and spend an average of three days a week working from home.

About Global Workplace Analytics and Kate Lister

By this measure, remote work as a primary arrangement has increased only from 4% to 6% since 2009, a large percentage gain but only still a small minority of workers overall. Remote work statistics indicate benefits across the board, ranging from improved mental health and better work-life balance to increased productivity and a more positive environmental impact. A study showed that 82% of workers want to continue working a minimum of one day per week remotely after COVID-19 finally blows over. Taking both perspectives into account, hybrid models seem to be a compelling solution.

global remote work statistics 2020

Further, over the last decade, women’s healthy life expectancy has declined by five years and men’s by close to three years. This has worsened gender parity in Health and Survival outcomes (97%) by 0.9 percentage points since the 2013 edition. The country’s parity on Political Empowerment stands at 24.8%, with a marginal improvement in the share of women parliamentarians and still no female head of state. In the last five years, New Zealand has gained more than 5 percentage points to close 85.6% of the overall gender gap, ranking 4th globally in 2023. With parity in parliamentary positions, and a female head of state for 16 of the last 50 years, New Zealand has the world’s third-highest level of parity on Political Empowerment.

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Many physical or manual activities, as well as those that require use of fixed equipment, cannot be done remotely. These include providing care, operating machinery, using lab equipment, and processing customer transactions in stores. In contrast, activities such as information gathering and processing, communicating with others, teaching and counseling, and coding data can theoretically be done remotely. Remote work will put downward pressure on the transportation and leisure and hospitality industries, especially businesses like airlines and downtown restaurants that cater to commuters or business travelers. Offices may downsize and potentially move from larger cities to suburbs or smaller cities.

  • Although some companies are implementing back-to-office policies, remote and hybrid working remain at far higher levels than they were before the pandemic.
  • To determine the overall potential for remote work for jobs and sectors, we use the time spent on different activities within occupations.
  • Meanwhile, 55% of survey respondents said avoiding office politics was a contributor.
  • The goal should be to harness the benefits of remote work—such as increased productivity and improved work-life balance—while addressing potential drawbacks to ensure a positive remote work experience for all employees.

However, the measured share of women ministers has dropped significantly – particularly in the United States, where the share declined from 46.2% to 33.3% – which has affected the overall regional score on this subindex. This is partly explained by a stricter definition of what qualifies as a ministerial position being applied in the source database produced by UN Women. Across all subindexes, Europe has the highest gender parity of all regions at 76.3%, with one-third of countries in the region ranking in the top 20 and 20 out of 36 countries with at least 75% parity.

Performance by subindex​

Research shows that businesses lose $600 billion a year to workplace distractions and that remote workers are 35-40% more productive than their in-office counterparts. The COVID pandemic encouraged many employees to transition to at-home working environments, but it’s important to note that many were doing so before. Before the COVID outbreak, 52% of workers reported having at least one day free to work from home each week. In the past 10 years, remote work has experienced an astounding 91% explosion in growth. Whether it was a result of COVID or was bound to happen, either way, regular telecommuting increased a drastic 216% from 2005 to 2019.

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